Tuesday 28 June 2011

Thing 2: visit some other blogs

I started visiting other blogs using the Alphabetical list then soon realised, that way I could spend hours blogging which I do not mind much if I have the time! Since I’m school librarian, I decided to use delicious bookmark to select school librarians at this stage. From delicious I managed to follow people with similar experience and ideas to mine.

I enjoyed reading most of the blogs I visited.  Thoughts of a School Librarian was very useful directed me to a good blog, Eliterate Librarian. I have to say, impressed by some good blogs, weblinks, pictures and up to date information. Where do they find the time to do all that?

During my reading I managed to leave some comments.Thank for the comments I received and for those who decided to follow me. 

Friday 24 June 2011

Tools for Professional Development

cpd23 logoIt's a wonderul opportunity to be introduced to tools that could help my personal and professional development. I 'm hoping to use these tools more often.
Professional networking is very important for a librarian who works in fairy isolated environment, only  2 international schools with proper library in my city. So I look forward to sharing  ideas and experience with fellow school librarians.